
Our Mission

To continually improve the wellbeing of individuals in our region by providing high-quality healthcare to our communities.

Our Vision

We will be the regional leader in delivering excellence in community health, care experience and quality outcomes as part of a world-class health system.

Our Values

EXCELLENCE: We deliver high quality, customer-focused care to all we serve.

COMPASSION: We provide person-centered care and treat patients and family members with respect, sensitivity, and empathy.

ACCOUNTABILITY: Each of us is responsible for our actions.  We are committed to delivering value through responsible stewardship of our financial and human resources.

COLLABORATION: We value the contributions of all patients, staff, families and community partners as catalysts for health improvement in our region.

About Us

New London Hospital is a 25-bed rural community hospital serving the Lake Sunapee region in central New Hampshire. 

New London Hospital offers:

  • 24-hour emergency care
  • Ambulance and emergency services
  • Diagnostic imaging
  • Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services
  • Laboratory, acute, and critical care
  • Primary care for the entire family
  • Surgical services, including orthopedics
  • Wellness and prevention programs, such as CPR and first aid

A Critical Access Hospital

In April of 2003, NLH received designation as a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) after a successful survey of the hospital by the state of New Hampshire. CAH is a federal program designed to support small rural non-profit hospitals across the country.

Under CAH, New London Hospital maintains 15 acute care inpatient beds and 10 swing beds (beds for patients who need hospitalization but are not considered acute care patients) for a total of 25 beds. Another important part of CAH status includes an established relationship with a tertiary care hospital, met by a collaborative agreement with Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center .

Collaboration with Dartmouth Health

New London Hospital is a proud member of Dartmouth Health, New Hampshire’s only academic health system and the state’s largest private employer. Learn more about Dartmouth Health.